Code of Conduct

Condesign’s Code of Conduct is based on the UN Global Compact as well as a compilation of the policies and guidelines that have guided Condesign successfully since the Company’s foundation in 1984.

Upon joining Condesign, all employees, as part of their employment contract, undertake to observe this Code in all aspects of their work. Condesign requires the same from all its suppliers and business partners.


This Code provides guidance to consistently achieve the professionalism that has earned Condesign a strong reputation among our clients and within our industry. Business is conducted lawfully and with integrity. When doing business Condesign shall build relationships based on respect, responsibility, and trust.

This Code is not meant to be a complete list of ethics and business conduct covering every eventuality. It highlights situations that Condesign’s employees, suppliers and business partners may face in their duties and provides the basic principles to guide their actions. Condesign recognizes the importance of supporting these individuals as ethical issues arise and has an open-door policy for resolving such issues with integrity. All employees are encouraged to report suspected violations of this Code of Conduct, laws or regulations, to its superior or the manager of its superior.


Principles of human rights and labor issues

As a consultant company, Condesign’s business value is based on the accumulative knowledge of our employees. Thus, our employees are our most important and most valuable resource. Their expertise, motivation, respect, and commitment add great value to our customers every day.

Human rights

Condesign is committed to comply to support and respect the protection of nationally and internationally proclaimed human rights and to refrain from being complicit in human rights abuses. This includes, but is not limited to, the right to life, security, and equality and to personal, economic, cultural, and social freedoms.


Condesign considers that every person has the right to equal treatment with respect to employment and the right to be free of discrimination because of gender, age, religion, ethnic origin, cultural and social background, disability, sexual orientation, union representation or political views. Condesign shall always treat people equally.

Forced labor

Condesign does not tolerate any forms of forced labor or modern slavery.

Child labor

Condesign does not tolerate any form of child labor. Children are defined as individuals under 16.

Freedom of association

Condesign recognizes and respects the right of employees to freely join associations and organizations of their choosing and enter into valid collective bargaining associations as permitted by law. Condesign will ensure that the official representatives of such trade union associations are not subject to any form of discrimination.

Working hours and compensation

Condesign complies with applicable laws and agreements to pay reasonable salaries and benefits in accordance with the relevant norms in all areas where Condesign carries out its business activities. Working time shall not extend beyond the allowed maximum, and employees shall receive time off for proper rest and paid holidays.

Health and safety

Condesign is committed to complying with all applicable health and safety laws, policies and regulations in order to provide a safe and healthy work environment to all employees. In addition, Condesign encourages all employees to report accidents and unsafe conditions, to follow safety and emergency procedures at their facilities, and to actively promote a culture of safety whenever possible.

Principles of environmental sustainability

Condesign is committed to contributing to sustainable development and to promote greater environmental responsibility. This responsibility is shared by all employees throughout Condesign.


Caring about the environment is a natural part of our daily business. Condesign is committed to protecting the environment by combining our in-depth knowledge and service offerings to help our clients successfully manage sustainability challenges and opportunities. Through our offerings, we help clients reduce their environmental impact.

Condesign strives constantly to reduce our own environmental footprint and all employees shall follow Condesign’s environmental activities regarding purchasing, travelling, meetings and waste management.

Principles of anti-corruption and fair competition

Condesign is committed to conducting its activities free from the illegal and improper influence of bribery and to ensuring compliance with all anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations that may be applicable to our business.


Condesign shall not participate in or endorse any corrupt practices. Condesign shall never provide customers, potential customers, governments, authorities or representatives of such organizations with any rewards or benefits that breach existing laws or reasonable and accepted business practices.

Gifts and other benefits such as expected hospitality from Condesign shall not exceed custom and shall be in line with legislation.

Condesign’s employees are not permitted to accept payments, gifts, or other remuneration from third parties that can affect, or that can be perceived to affect, the objectivity of business decisions.

Fair competition

Condesign shall not exchange information or enter into agreements or understandings with competitors, customers or suppliers in a way that prevents or restricts fair competition practice.

Trade compliance

Condesign is engaged in business practices that comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to the governance of the import and export of domestic and foreign origin parts and components related to technical data. Condesign keeps up to date with sanctions by reviewing online materials and reading local and international news.

Conflict of interest

Condesign will not take part in, influence or attempt to influence any decision which can give rise to any actual or perceived conflict of interest.

Money laundering

Condesign shall not accept, facilitate, or support money laundering.

Principles of business conduct

The success of Condesign is based on the knowledge, creativity, and commitment of its employees. In all we do, we believe that respect, integrity, and fairness will gain trust and long-lasting business relationships. It is therefore of importance that our business at all times is conducted on such basic principles of business conduct.

Respect and integrity

The employees of Condesign are its ambassadors. They must always behave responsibly and demonstrate courtesy, honesty, and respect for other employees of Condesign, for its customers and for its suppliers, and must never do anything that could harm Condesign’s reputation or that could otherwise bring Condesign into disrepute.


Employees are expected to act at all times with diligence and loyalty towards Condesign and in such a way as to safeguard Condesign’s interests. Employees should not act in a way or publicly hold a position that might harm the image or reputation of Condesign.

Intellectual property

Condesign obtains proper authorization and licensing agreements before using any intellectual property and strictly follow the terms of use. Condesign respects copyrights, trademarks, logos, and other intellectual property. Condesign does not misuse others’ patents, trade secrets or other proprietary information.

Relations with customers

Employees shall also be required to follow a customer’s code of conduct, in addition to following Condesign’s Code. When faced with an incident that occurs on customer premises, employees must promptly notify their manager and/or escalate through proper Condesign channels.

Drug-free workplace

Condesign maintains a drug-free workplace. Accordingly, in the workplace, employees may not:

  1. Use, sell, or possess illegal drugs;
  2. Abuse or misuse controlled substances, prescription drugs, or over-the-counter medications; or
  3. Abuse alcohol.

Political involvement

Condesign takes a neutral stance in terms of political affiliation and candidates. Neither Condesign’s corporate identity, nor its assets will be used to promote political interests, parties, or candidates.


Condesign’s financial transactions shall always be reported in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. All books and records of Condesign must be available for audit. The nature of Condesign’s business places special importance on the accuracy of time keeping and expense reporting.

Accurate timekeeping

Customer billing and employee compensation depend very much on Condesign’s ability to record and account for employee time worked accurately. All employees are required to comply with Condesign’s timekeeping policy and procedures and any applicable contract requirements. Employees must record all time worked daily and submit reports weekly, accurately reflecting all time worked on projects.

Expense reimbursement

Employees must honestly and accurately report their business-related expenses for reimbursement. An employee’s signature on an expense report certifies that the information provided is complete and accurate and represents a valid business expense.


Condesign shall comply with tax laws and regulations.


Condesign encourages the reporting of suspected wrongdoings as soon as possible in the knowledge that their concerns will be taken seriously and investigated as appropriate and that their confidentiality will be respected. Condesign is guaranteeing non-retaliation against those who come forward with suspected wrongdoings.

This Code of Conduct was adopted by Condesign’s Executive Management Team on the 11th of November, 2019.